Friday, August 22, 2014

youtubers aye

hiiii, i haven't make a post for so long,

wait was that right? idgaf anyway. i made this blog just for fun bc i was bored and i use short sentences and i literally don't give a shit about what you want to say. lol bc this is my blog. duhh.

anyway, my friend at school suddenly asked me about 'which youtubers should i watch?'

since, i'm so expert at this (clears throat) but now, i barely watch youtubers though soo. idk.

[i'm not good at all]

let's just get this started.

so let me list you some youtubers that i usually watch before.


connor franta

tyler oakley
macbarbie07 (bethany mota)
troye sivan
stilababe09 (meredith foster)
grav3yardgirl (bunny)
ricky dillon
jc caylen
jenna marbles
shane dawson
pewdiepie (felix kjellberg)
iisuperwomanii (lilly singh)


there's more tbh but yeah that's all i could remember. ily. bye. k.